Stefan Böhringer

This is my homepage. The purpose of this homepage is to communicate some of my projects. You can read my CV and list of publications. This is my contact information:

Phone +31 71 5269743
Fax +31 71 5268280
Address Department of Biomedical Data Sciences
Section Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics
Leiden University Medical Center
Einthovenweg 20
2333 ZC Leiden, The Netherlands


2021-09-10 Become plausible!
2019-11-08 New R-package package
2019-11-04 New ArXiv-paper Exact model comparisons in the plausibility framework
2019-10-04 Markus de Jong defends his PhD thesis on "Automated 3D facial Landmarking"
2014-09-01 New package version of parallelize.dynamic available from github
2014-07-01 Essay "To scratch or not to scratch"
2012-28-09 EMGM 2013 is set for April 25th and 26th
2012-01-02 Member of the Visigen consortium
Old news

Software Projects

coloredChromosomes A software package to draw ideograms with annotations
mfFinder A software tool to aid in the exploratory and visual analysis of complex case-control data in genetic association studies.
Small or old projects Maintenance of downloads and older projects

Research Projects

Some of my research projects.
Facial Traits These projects are involved with clinical aspects of facial appearance in Human Genetics and the genetic epidemiology of the face. Statistical methodology primarily deals with multivariate traits.
Statistical Genetics Projects dealing with various aspects of genetic association studies, i.e. studies trying to identify genes that influence disease outcome or normal variation.

Last changed: Fri, 10 Sep 2021